BigBOSS Collaboration Meeting

Institut Henri Poincaré

Institut Henri Poincaré

IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
    • 08:45 09:30
      Registration - Coffee 45m
    • 09:30 11:00
      Plenary Session: (Ch. Yeche) Amphi Darboux

      Amphi Darboux

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      • 09:30
        Welcome 10m
        Orateurs: Christophe Yeche (CEA Irfu/SPP), Ursula Bassler (CEA-Saclay Irfu/SPP)
      • 09:40
        BigBOSS overview 25m
        Orateur: David Schlegel
      • 10:05
        BigBOSS progress and plans 25m
        Orateur: Michael Levi
      • 10:30
        Spectrograph expertise in France 30m
        Orateur: Jean-Gabriel Cuby
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:30 12:30
      Plenary Session: (M. Levi)
      • 11:30
        BAO with galaxy 30m
        Orateur: Will Percival
      • 12:00
        BAO with Ly-alpha 30m
        Orateur: Dr Nicolas Busca (APC - Université de Paris 7)
    • 14:00 15:45
      Instrument: Spectrograph (C. Bebek) Salle 201

      Salle 201

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 14:00
        Spectrograph design 35m
        Orateur: Pat Jelinsky (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab)
      • 14:35
        Spectral Extraction Pipeline Needs 20m
        Orateur: Stephen Bailey
      • 14:55
        Mayall Spectrograph Environment 15m
        Orateur: Robert Besuner (UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Lab)
      • 15:10
        Through-the-Telescope Calibration 15m
        Orateur: Michael Schubnell
      • 15:25
        Saclay Cryostat Development 20m
        Orateur: Pierre-Henri Carton
    • 14:00 15:45
      Theory (B. Cahn) Amphi Darboux

      Amphi Darboux

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 14:00
        Bonus cosmological applications of BigBOSS 25m
        Orateur: Pengjie Zhang (Shanghai)
      • 14:25
        Topology and expansion history of the Universe: prospects for BigBOSS 25m
        Orateur: Graziano Rossi
      • 14:50
        Reconstruction for BAO in Galaxy and Lyman Alpha Forest 25m
        Orateur: Mariana Vargas (Carnegie Mellon)
      • 15:15
        fnl constraints from SDSS3 data 25m
        Orateur: Shirley Ho (Carnegie-Mellon)
    • 15:45 16:15
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:15 18:00
      Data reduction - Data Management (A. Bolton) Amphi Darboux

      Amphi Darboux

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      • 16:15
        BigBOSS data management systems & practices 15m
        Orateur: Ben Weaver
      • 16:30
        Extraction & galaxy-redshift reduction-software challenges 15m
        Orateur: Prof. Adam Bolton (The University of Utah)
      • 16:45
        Lyman-alpha science reduction-software requirements 15m
        Orateur: Dr Nicolas Busca (APC - Université de Paris 7)
      • 17:00
        Stellar spectral analysis reduction-software requirements 15m
        Orateur: Carlos Allende-Prieto
      • 17:15
        2D spectral data simulations 15m
        Orateur: Stephen Bailey
      • 17:30
        Work planning session (moderated discussion) 30m
        Orateurs: Prof. Adam Bolton (The University of Utah), Stephen Bailey
    • 16:15 18:00
      Instrument: Spectrograph (C. Bebek)
      • 16:15
        French organization to deliver spectrograph 35m
        Orateur: Jean-Gabriel Cuby
      • 16:50
        Feedback on spectrograph concept 30m
        Orateur: Sebastian Vives
      • 17:20
        MUSE development 20m
        Orateur: Alban Remillieux
      • 17:40
        PFS development philosophy 20m
        Orateur: David Le Mignant
    • 18:00 19:00
      Welcome cocktail 1h
    • 09:00 10:30
      Plenary Session: (D. Schlegel)
      • 09:00
        Theoretical challenges for precision cosmology 30m
        Orateur: Carlos Frenk
      • 09:30
        Dark Energy with SN 30m
        Orateur: Pierre Astier
      • 10:00
        Quasar Science 30m
        Orateur: Patrick Petitjean
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Plenary Session: (C. Bebek)
      • 11:00
        BigBOSS instrument: Spectrograph 30m
        Orateur: Patrick Jelinsky
      • 11:30
        BigBOSS Instrument: Corrector-Telescope 30m
        Orateur: Peter Doel
      • 12:00
        BigBOSS Instrument: Positioner-Fibers 30m
        Orateur: Chao Zhai
    • 14:00 15:45
      Instrument: Telescope (M. Sholl and P. Doel) Salle 201

      Salle 201

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 14:00
        Optical Design, 0402 corrector, changes, overall schedule 30m
        Orateur: Mike Sholl
      • 14:30
        Lens manufacturing, Lens cell design, Alignment strategy 25m
        Orateur: Peter Doel
      • 14:55
        Corrector barrel mechanical design and deflection predictions 25m
        Orateur: Paul Perry
      • 15:20
        Corrector barrel DES lessons learned, and implications for BigBOSS design 25m
        Orateur: Gaston Gutierrez
    • 14:00 15:45
      Target Selection: Imagery (J.-P. Kneib) Amphi Darboux

      Amphi Darboux

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 14:00
        Force photometry 20m
        Orateur: Dustin Lang
      • 14:20
        Lessons from BOSS 30m
        Orateur: Ashley ROSS
      • 14:50
        PTF, ZPTF 30m
        Orateur: Peter Nugent
      • 15:20
        Image quality studies, status of DES 20m
        Orateur: Arjun Dey
    • 15:45 16:15
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:15 18:00
      Instrument: Fibers (J. Edelstein) 201


      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 16:15
        Fiber System Communication 20m
        Orateur: Jeremy Allington-Smith
      • 16:35
        Fiber Front End & Cable Activity 15m
        Orateur: Graham Murray
      • 16:50
        Fiber Cable Routing Design 10m
        Orateur: Dr Jerry Edelstein (University of California Berkeley)
      • 17:00
        Fusion Splicing Results 10m
        Orateur: Dr Jerry Edelstein (University of California Berkeley)
      • 17:10
        Fiber performance Models 15m
        Orateur: Jeremy Allington-Smith
      • 17:25
        Fiber performance Measures 20m
        Orateur: Dr Jerry Edelstein (University of California Berkeley)
      • 17:45
        Activity Plan 15m
        Orateur: Dr Jerry Edelstein (University of California Berkeley)
    • 16:15 18:00
      Target Selection: Algorithms (N. Palanque-Delabrouille)
      • 16:15
        PS1 20m
        Orateur: Eddie Schlafly
      • 16:35
        PTF for variability studies 20m
        Orateur: Eric Armengaud (CEA)
      • 16:55
        ELG simulation; Tests with PTF data 20m
        Orateur: Nick Mostek (LBNL)
      • 17:15
        ELGs in COSMOS data 25m
        Orateur: Johan Comparat (LAM)
      • 17:40
        LRG target selection with WISE 20m
        Orateur: Jeff Newman
    • 20:00 23:00
      Dinner Cruise 3h Le Calife

      Le Calife

    • 09:00 10:30
      Ancillary Science (P. Noterdaeme) Amphi Darboux

      Amphi Darboux

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      • 09:00
        Detecting Lya emission from IGM through cross-correlation with Lya absorption 20m
        Orateur: Jordi Miralda-Escudé (ICREA)
      • 09:20
        BigBOSS and the Milky Way 20m
        Gaia will provide by the end of this decade astrometry and photometry for a billion stars in the Milky Way down to V~20, and radial velocities for 150 million stars down to V<17, leaving a glaring hole in an otherwise unbiased catalog of the stellar populations of the Galaxy. BigBOSS is the only project/instrument capable of filling in the Gaia gap, providing radial velocities and chemistry for tens of millions of faint Milky Way stars. Those stars have the key to characterize the potential well of the dark halo of the Milky Way, understand the formation, accretion history, and early evolution of the Galaxy, and finding the oldest stars with the most primitive compositions. I will summarize results from SDSS and other ongoing surveys, describe the latest results from BOSS on halo stars, and glance at what BigBOSS could do for the Galaxy.
        Orateur: Carlos Allende Prieto (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)
      • 09:40
        BigBOSS calibration fields & Galaxy Evolution 20m
        Orateur: Arjun Dey (NOAO)
      • 10:00
        Application of SZ tomography in BigBOSS 15m
        Orateur: Jiawei Shao (Shaghai Astronomical Observatory)
      • 10:15
        Mapping dark matter with cosmic magnification 15m
        Orateur: Xinjuan Yang
    • 09:00 10:30
      Instrument: Positioner (F. Prada and C. Zhai) Salle 201

      Salle 201

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 09:00
        LBNL & COBRA Fiber Positioners 25m
        Orateur: Besuner
      • 09:25
        IAA/AVS Fiber Positioner Progress 25m
        Orateur: Sanchez
      • 09:50
        Positioner Interfaces 20m
        Orateur: LBNL
      • 10:10
        Positioner Communication 20m
        Orateur: GLEZ. de Rivera
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Dark Energy Science (N. Busca and J. Guy) Amphi Darboux

      Amphi Darboux

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 11:00
        Cosmological constraints from simulations of redshift space distortions 20m
        Orateur: Carlton Baugh (Durham)
      • 11:20
        Determination of the abundance of cosmic matter via the cell count moments of the galaxy distribution 20m
        Orateur: Julien Bel (CPT Marseille)
      • 11:40
        Primordial non-Gaussianity with BigBOSS 20m
        Orateur: Dragan Huterer (Michighan)
      • 12:00
        Measuring sigma8 using the correlators of the galaxy density field 20m
        Orateur: Crhistian Marinoni (CPT Marseille)
    • 11:00 12:30
      Instrument: Focal Plane (B. Besuner) Salle 201

      Salle 201

      Institut Henri Poincaré

      IHP - UMS 839 (CNRS/UPMC) 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 75005
      • 11:00
        Positioner Communications (LAMOST) 10m
        Orateur: Chao Zhai (USTC)
      • 11:10
        Focal Plate/Focal Plate Demonstrator 20m
        Orateur: Santiago Becerril (IAA)
      • 11:30
        Guide/Wave Front Sensors 10m
        Orateur: Robert Besuner (UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Lab)
      • 11:40
        Focal Plate Layout 20m
        Orateur: Paul Perry (LBNL)
      • 12:00
        Focal Plane Fiber Management 20m
        Orateur: Robert Besuner (UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Lab)
      • 12:20
        Planning & Schedule 10m
        Orateur: Michael Sholl (SSL/UC Berkeley)
    • 14:00 16:30
      Plenary Session: (J.-P. Kneib)
      • 14:00
        4m Multi Object Spectroscopic Telescope: the future of VISTA 30m
        Orateur: Piercarlo Bonifacio
      • 14:30
        Target Selection in BigBOSS 30m
        Orateur: Nick Mostek
      • 15:00
        Survey strategy in BigBOSS 30m
        Orateur: Jeremy Tinker
      • 15:30
        Data reduction and Data management in BigBOSS 30m
        Orateur: Adam Bolton
      • 16:00
        Conclusions 30m
        Orateurs: David Schlegel, Michael Levi
    • 16:30 17:00
      Coffee break 30m