Scientific goals: the aim of the workshop is to gather experts in the field of Galactic Cosmic-Rays (GCR) and nuclear physics in order to discuss topics at the crossroad between the two fields. For instance, a key question is to assess if and how fragmentation models (in the range 100 MeV/n-10 GeV/n) used in GCR physics for data analysis (e.g., CREAM, AMS, ...) and their interpretation can be improved. The workshop will also provide the opportunity to develop new collaborations between the participants.
Workshop keypoints: the workshop is structured as follows: i) presententation from the GCR scientists to the nuclear physics community about their requirements; ii) review on the latest developments on nuclear fragmentation and its modelling. The second day of the workshop will focus on i) higher energy hadronic interactions, and ii) neutrons and GCRs. A large fraction of the time will be left for discussions.Financial support: the workshop is supported by the PNHE (Programme National des Hautes Energies) and the CPTG (Centre de Physique Théorique de Grenoble).
N.B.: financial support may be granted for PhD students and post-doc working in France (contact
Location: conference room, LPSC (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie)
LOC: David Maurin (, Françoise PETIOT (, for administrative matters), Emmanuelle Vernay.
SOC: Sébastien CHABOD (LPSC), Laurent DEROME (LPSC), Fanny FARGET (GANIL), William Gillard (LPSC), Grégoire KESSEDJIAN (LPSC), Ulli KOESTER (ILL), David MAURIN (LPSC), Jean-Stéphane RICOL (LPSC), Pierre SALATI (LAPTh), Vincent TATISCHEFF (CSNSM).