8–10 oct. 2012
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Weakly deformed, axial and triaxial configurations in neutron rich Sulfur isotopes

8 oct. 2012, 17:50
Amphi Gruenwald (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)

Amphi Gruenwald

Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien

23 rue du Loess 67037 Strasbourg
Shell evolution in the neutron rich nuclei I Shell evolution of neutron rich nuclei I


Dr Laurent Gaudefroy (CEA-DAM)


The structure of neutron rich Sulfur nuclei has been the recent subject of both experimental and theoretical studies. At N=28, experimental data interpreted within the shell model framework suggested a prolate/spherical shape coexistence. Similar interpretation has been proposed at N=27 for 43S. Recent beyond mean field calculations suggested a more complicated low-lying structure of neutron rich sulfur isotopes where the triaxial degree of freedom is important. Within the shell model framework, we performed a systematic study of 42,44,46S and 43S. Coexistence of weakly deformed, axial and triaxial states is found at low excitation energy in these nuclei. Comparison with experimental data is rather satisfactory and agreement with recent beyond mean field calculations is found to be good.

Auteur principal

Dr Laurent Gaudefroy (CEA-DAM)


M. Raphael Chevrier (CEA-DAM)

Documents de présentation