8–10 oct. 2012
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

A PSDPF interaction to describe intruder negative parity states in sd shell nuclei

8 oct. 2012, 15:20
Amphi Gruenwald (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)

Amphi Gruenwald

Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien

23 rue du Loess 67037 Strasbourg
Nuclear structure at the proton dripline Nuclear structure at the proton dripline


Dr Florent HAAS (IPHC, Srasbourg)


In the level scheme of sd shell nuclei,there is generally at relatively low excitation energies,coexistence of 'normal' positive parity states and of 'intruder' negative parity states.The aim of our work is to describe these intruder states in the full p-sd-pf model space with a 4He core and allowing for one nucleon jump between the major shells.To construct our PSDPF interaction,we first modified the p-sd and sd-pf cross-monopole terms and then applied a fitting procedure to adjust all PSDPF parameters by comparing an extended set of experimental and calculated level energies.Results obtained with the new interaction will be compared with experimental data for nuclei throughout the sd shell.

Auteur principal

Dr Mouna BOUHELAL (Université de Tébessa,Algérie)


Dr Etienne CAURIER (IPHC,Strasbourg) Dr Florent HAAS (IPHC, Srasbourg) Dr Frederic NOWACKI (IPHC,Strasbourg)

Documents de présentation