
QCD at the LHC: Introduction to pQCD (1/6)

par Joey Huston (Michigan State University)

Auditorium (LAPTh)



In these lectures, I will present a pedagogical treatment of perturbative QCD and its application to LHC physics. I will undertake to provide a reasonably rigorous formalism of hard-scattering of quarks and gluons as well as an intuitive understanding of the physics behind the scattering. I will emphasize the role of logarithmic corrections as well as power counting in alpha_s in order to understand the behavior of hard-scattering processes. I will re-count our experience from the Tevatron and compare pQCD predictions to the data from the LHC. The lectures are as follows: 1) Introduction to pQCD 2) Higher order calculations 3) Parton distribution functions 4) Jet (and photon) reconstruction 5) Comparisons to LHC data (I) 6) Comparisons to LHC data (II)
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