10–11 mai 2012
LPSC, Grenoble
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
This meeting is organized under the auspices of the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, the Centre de Physique Théorique de Grenoble and the GDR PH-QCD. It will be the continuation of two previous meetings held in July and October 2011 dedicated to the presentation and discussion of a multi-purpose fixed-target expetiment using the LHC beams extracted by bent crystals.

We plan to discuss the question of the physics impact and feasibility of a fixed target experiment on the LHC beam, where a small fraction of the beam (of the order of a few per cent) would be extracted. With a 7(2.75) TeV proton (Pb) beam, the center-of-mass energy would reach 115(72) GeV.  Such a setup would give access to the very high (small) xB region in the target (projectile). It would give the possibility to study rare processes, novel spin-correlations, high-xF dynamics, diffractive physics, nPDFs and nuclear phenomena such as shadowing and absorption, as well as novel spectroscopy of hadrons carrying multiple heavy quarks with high precision. In addition, Pb+Pb runs at sqrt(s)~72 GeV would give access to the QGP physics at an intermediate energy between SPS and RHIC energies.

Theory inputs will be most welcome for this meeting.
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Finit le
LPSC, Grenoble
The meeting might be extended until 15h/16h. We plan to have dinner together on Thursday 10 evening.