LCG-France organise, 2 fois par an, une rencontre des sites.
La session "unique" 2012 se tiendra à Subatech à Nantes du mardi 18 septembre après-midi au jeudi 20 septembre midi.
LCG-France organizes twice a year a meeting gathering all the French sites involved in the WLCG collaboration. The unique 2012 session will be held at SUBATECH in Nantes, september 18-20, 2012.
Organisation administrative et locale : Annick Vey(LPSC), Laurent Aphecetche (SUBATECH), Jean-Michel Barbet (SUBATECH)
Organisation scientifique LCG-France : Fairouz Malek (LPSC), Renaud Vernet (CC-IN2P3), Frédérique Chollet (LAPP), Yannick Patois (IPHC)
LCG-France organizes twice a year a meeting gathering all the French sites involved in the WLCG collaboration. The unique 2012 session will be held at SUBATECH in Nantes, september 18-20, 2012.
Organisation administrative et locale : Annick Vey(LPSC), Laurent Aphecetche (SUBATECH), Jean-Michel Barbet (SUBATECH)
Organisation scientifique LCG-France : Fairouz Malek (LPSC), Renaud Vernet (CC-IN2P3), Frédérique Chollet (LAPP), Yannick Patois (IPHC)