Présidents de session
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
- Christophe de LA TAILLE (LAL)
Annarita Margiotta
(Sezione INFN and Universita' Bologna)
19/04/2012 14:40
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
KM3NeT is an international consortium involving more than 300 scientists from 10 EU countries. Its main objective is the construction of a multi-km3 high-energy neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea that will also host an interdisciplinary observatory for devices dedicated to marine sciences.
KM3NeT has been included in the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum of Research...
Claude Vallee
(Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)
19/04/2012 15:00
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
The Mediterranean Eurocentre for Underwater Sciences and Technologies (MEUST) plans to deploy a second generation deep sea cabled infrastructure offshore of Toulon, France, within the framework of the European networks of neutrino telescopes KM3NeT and deep sea observatories EMSO. The project will be presented with emphasis on the layout of the deep sea infrastructure, its regional context and...
19/04/2012 15:20
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
The DIAPHANE project is dedicated to the density tomography of geological structures, focusing on active volcanoes like the ones in the Lesser Antilles belt. The aim of the project is to provide high resolution profiles, complementary to standard tomographic methods, to constrain the various evolution models of those volcanoes. In this talk we review the opto-electronics readout scheme of the...
Raffaello D'Alessandro
(Università di Firenze - INFN Firenze)
19/04/2012 15:40
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
Muon telescopes, which detect atmospheric muons produced from cosmic ray showers, are providing an invaluable tool to volcanologists the world over by imaging the cone structure of the volcanoes. An instrument of this type has been assembled in Italy by the MuRay collaboration.
The MuRay telescope uses scintillator rods to detect and track atmospheric muons. One of the novelties with respect...
Pierre Salin
19/04/2012 16:30
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
The aim of this project is to develop a new field of study in the geosciences, using a detector very promising and innovative coming from particle physics, applied to the temporal tomography of subsurface a few hundred meters thickness of rock. The field of applications concerns the stability of rocks, the monitoring of rheological properties, as...
imad laktineh
19/04/2012 16:50
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPC) are excellent candidates to study volcanoes structure. They provide high efficiency and excellent homogeneity to detect the muons crossing the volcanoes.
Few chambers of 1m2 equipped with an embedded readout electronics of 1 cm2 segmentation that were developed to be the active medium of a sampling hadronic calorimeter proposed for the future...
Christian Thomay
(University of Bristol)
19/04/2012 17:10
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
Resistive Plate Chambers are widely used in high energy physics experiments as reliable trigger systems due to their excellent time resolution and rate capability, while generally the track spatial information is obtained by means of different detectors. Studies show that it is possible to produce RPC with good spatial resolution (~ 0.5 mm) by appropriate choice of the pitch of the readout...
László Oláh
(Eötvös University)
19/04/2012 17:30
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
The REGARD group (Eötvös Loránd University and Wigner RCP RMI collaboration for R&D of gaseous detectors) developed a portable detector for environmental application: searching for large scale underground rock/soil inhomogenities [1]. The designed muontomograph is based on the newly developed Closed Cathode Chamber (CCC) technology [2], which provide an cheap, easy handling, portable,...
Akimichi Taketa
(ERI, University of Tokyo)
19/04/2012 17:50
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
We have developed a new radiographic method to measure the time variation of the water content of the soil with soft component of air shower.
Air shower produced by a primary cosmic ray consists of hard component and soft component. Hard component is mainly consists of muon, and soft components is consists of electron, positron and photon. The penetration power of soft component is weaker...
Philippe Labazuy
(Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, OPGC, Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, CNRS, IRD)
19/04/2012 18:10
Technical developments for muon and neutrino imaging
Muon imagery techniques, that use cosmic-ray muons generated in the upper atmosphere, are currently intensively being developed by several international groups to probe the internal structures of volcanic edifices to depths up to several kilometers. These techniques may be used to construct precise 3D models of rock density distribution, and, even more, its variation with time, within active...