10:00 AM
Applications of a high finesse Fabry Perot Cavity for the ILC
Tohru Takahashi
(Hiroshima University)
10:20 AM
Fast Luminosity measurement amd MDI questions for super B meson factories
Philip Bambade
10:40 AM
R&D on High Power Couplers for the ILC
Eiji Kako
11:00 AM
Research on a new crystal-assisted positron source for the ILC
Robert Chehab
11:20 AM
Study on the magnetic sheilding for superconducting cavities
11:40 AM
Superconducting Magnets for LHC Accelerator Upgrade
Bertrand Baudouy
(CEA Saclay)
12:00 PM
Surface Preparation Study for Superconductive Cavities
12:20 PM
Collaboration on the ATF2 project at KEK (FJPPL, FKPPL) and on the ILC machine-detector interface (FJPPL)
hayg guler