Quantum integrable systems. Quantitative methods in biology
Giovanni Feverati(LAPTH)
Auditorium M. Vivargent (LAPTH)
Auditorium M. Vivargent
9, chemin de Bellevue
Quantum integrable systems have very strong mathematical properties that
allow an exact description of
their energetic spectrum. From the Bethe equations, I formulate the
Baxter ``T-Q'' relation, that is the
starting point of two complementary approaches based on nonlinear
integral equations. The first one is
known as thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, the second one as
Klumper-Pearce-Destri-de Vega. I show the steps
toward the derivation of the equations for some of the models concerned.
I study the infrared and
ultraviolet limits and discuss the numerical approach. Higher rank
integrals of motion can be obtained,
so gaining some control on the eigenvectors. After, I discuss the
Hubbard model in relation to the
N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory. The Hubbard model describes hopping
electrons on a lattice.
In the second part, I present an evolutionary model based on Turing
machines. The goal is to describe
aspects of the real biological evolution, or Darwinism, by letting
evolve populations of algorithms.
Particularly, with this model one can study the mutual transformation of
coding/non coding parts in
a genome or the presence of an error threshold.
The assembly of oligomeric proteins is an important phenomenon which
interests the majority
of proteins in a cell. I participated to the creation of the project
``Gemini'' which has for
purpose the
investigation of the structural data of the interfaces of such proteins.
The objective is to
differentiate the role of amino acids and determine the presence of
patterns characterizing
certain geometries.