LCG-France organise, 2 fois par an, une rencontre des sites où les infrastructures WLCG et LCG-France, leur fonctionnement et les solutions pour améliorer le calcul pour les expériences LHC, sont discutés. La seconde session 2010 se tiendra à Villeurbanne, au CC-IN2P3 les 22 et 23 novembre.
LCG-France organizes twice a year a meeting gathering all the French sites involved in the WLCG collaboration. It is the occasion to reinforce communication between the representatives of the experiments and the sites. The second 2010 LCG-France meeting will be held at the CC-IN2P3, in Lyon on November 22-23.
Organisation administrative et locale : Annick Vey(LPSC) et du CCin2p3: Sylvie Jacquot, Sabrina Minet, Dominique Farjot, Pierre Girard, Ghita Rahal
Organisation scientifique LCG-France : Fairouz Malek, Pierre Girard, Frédérique Chollet, Yannick Patois
LCG-France organizes twice a year a meeting gathering all the French sites involved in the WLCG collaboration. It is the occasion to reinforce communication between the representatives of the experiments and the sites. The second 2010 LCG-France meeting will be held at the CC-IN2P3, in Lyon on November 22-23.
Organisation administrative et locale : Annick Vey(LPSC) et du CCin2p3: Sylvie Jacquot, Sabrina Minet, Dominique Farjot, Pierre Girard, Ghita Rahal
Organisation scientifique LCG-France : Fairouz Malek, Pierre Girard, Frédérique Chollet, Yannick Patois