2nd Eurocourse Nuclear Graphite Course

Abbaye de Saint Jacut de la mer (St Malo)

Abbaye de Saint Jacut de la mer (St Malo)

L'Abbaye 3 rue de l'Abbaye 22750 Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer
Barry Marsden (University of Manchester), Bernd Grambow (SUBATECH)
Gas cooled Nuclear Reactors (GCR), RBMK etc. make use of graphite as moderator. Presently, accelerated decommission of of some of these first generation reactors is ongoing or is planned.During irradiation, the graphite changes its properties and it becomes contaminated by radionuclides from nuclear fission and by neutron activation. This leads to large quantities of waste, today about 250000 tons of irradiated graphite worldwide. Acceptable solutions have not yet been established for this kind of waste. The various options of waste management like decontamination, recycling or disposal. For being able to choose the best option, we must understand, how graphite moderated reactors work, how the dismantling is going to happen, what kind of properties irradiated graphite has in the reactor, during decontamination and disposal. The goal of this EUROCOURSE is to provide insight into these questions by lectures from reknown scientists and engineers working since many years in the field. Focuss is not only on the latest research results, but as well on base understanding of all mentioned subjects.
  • Abbie Jones
  • Alina Constantin
  • AMMAR Mohamed-Ramzi
  • Antoine BLONDEL
  • Barry Marsden
  • Bernard Kubica
  • Bernard Poncet
  • Bernd GRAMBOW
  • Catherine LANDESMAN
  • Christian GLORENNEC
  • Comte Jérôme
  • David Bradbury
  • Enrique Magro
  • Frederic Lefevre
  • Greg Black
  • Guillaume Le Rouzo
  • Gwennaëlle SILBERMANN
  • Kathrin Baginski
  • Laurence Petit
  • Lionel Gosmain
  • Lorraine McDermott
  • Ludivine Vendé
  • Mauro Capone
  • Nelly Toulhoat
  • Pasacaline Retout
  • PEMEJA Bernard
  • Rosemary Holmes
  • Sylva Olsen
  • Sylvie Lucas
  • Vladimir Kascheev
  • Werner von Lensa
  • William Turner
L'ordre du jour de cette réunion est vide