8–9 nov. 2010
CPPM - Marseille - France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Experimental approach of colonization dynamics and ecogeochemical

9 nov. 2010, 11:25
CPPM - Marseille - France

CPPM - Marseille - France

C.P.P.M - 163, avenue de Luminy - Case 902 - 13288 Marseille cedex 09


Dr Nadine Le Bris (LECOB CNRS-UPMC FRE3350, Obs. Banyuls)


Deep-sea environnements display unique relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functionning, reflecting their ability to exploit intermittent energy supply. Understanding these links are of major importance to predict their response to environmental disturbance. Of particular ecological interest are degrading organic falls (e.g. wood, organic debris) that creates habitats rich in sulfide and methane, suitable for specially adapted chemosynthetic communities. Rates and mechanisms linking habitat abiotic conditions to faunal and microbial community dynamics are mostly unknown. Experimental devices have been deployed at great depths in various marine environment throughout the world. Cabled networks offer the opportunities to propose new experimental approaches, based on real time monitoring of the dynamics of key factors these benthic biodiversity hotpots, combining imagery with autonomous chemical sensors. This deep station (> 1500 meter) will complement experiments that are currently being deployed, from shallow to medium depth, close to the Banyuls Observatory.

Auteur principal

Dr Nadine Le Bris (LECOB CNRS-UPMC FRE3350, Obs. Banyuls)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.