LAr LAPP meeting 2025-03-11
Calibration Board
- Cannot generate trigger signal from devkit CASA/CHALET
- Devkit still fonctional, but FPGA pin always at 2V (broken?)
- Nécessite enlever une des connection sur cage SFP pour le démarrer correctement (?)
- TODO temporary replace with CABANE devkit
- TODO give broken devkit to JMN to verify if fixable
- TODO buy new devkit?
- LDO issue
- Scanner patch cable done
- Code started
- OPC-UA “tutorial” to be done (Florent, Olivier -> Oleksii, Marco)
- Add common pulse test to sequencer (currently missing)
- Issues with prototype cabling (components break during oven cabling - no coating?)
- Problems with PCB design and fabrication
- PCB to be redesigned and resubmitted
- Boards at LAPP
- LATOURNETTE 2 in ATCA crate, running to heat up board
- IPMC temperature threshold at 35 C
- When ATCA crate doors opened, -5 C temp change observed!
- FireFlys need to be < 50 C
- TODO change threshold table [Sylvain]
- Air conditioning on?
- Add temperature probes to lab?
- Concurrent access to LATS
- TODO shared calendar (or other reservation tool) to “reserve” use of setups [Sylvain, Nicolas]
- Power Input Manager (PIM) always at 1?
- Fond de panier support 1 repaired [JMN]
- JMN’s tests on PowerGood: board randomly offing as previously observed by FB and SL
- JMN has an hint of a possible cause, under investigation (capacitance?)
- Regardless, tin future his board will only be used on table with direct powering (if so, recover IPMC board - SL)
- Still waiting for front panes [JMN]
- Firmware
- FEX block from LATOME FW to receive LTI and others (implemented during LASP Integration Week) [NC]
- Needs to use LATS board at LAPP for FW development [NC]
- Pin configuration to use AMC received from Stefan Haas [FB]
- To be implemented in next code sprint [SL]
- Mac addresses to be declared at CERN [NC]
- TODO: FB to verify MAC address list - paper in box?
- Add IPMC MAC address to production database?
- Also FW version and (compilation) date?
LAr Online
- Ferio
- Issue with communication with CASA board (?), now working with CABANEv3
- Ongoing investigations:
- Difference with licensed vs open source OPC-UA server librarr?
- Errors with serial and parallel methods being investigated?
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