Mattermost channel:
Created Sdrive for ESCAPE to fill in with documents, presentations and archives. (or Box In2p3?)
Inscription to Mailing lists, fill spreadsheet, and participate in OSCARS work packages meetings.
Restored and updated ESCAPE Tools Gitlab webpage, that was set up for EOSC Future along with Test Science Projects (TSPs) webpages, before migrating to GitHub.
ACTION ITEM (ongoing, Alberto): update TSP webpages (later add OSCARS?)
Update ESCAPE webpage by Trust-IT, yet to start?
Work needed to update and define the ESCAPE Competence center:
Check which ESCAPE partners can be included to strengthen the OSCARS science clusters consolidation.
Feedback from OSCARS project: varying degrees of knowledge of ESCAPE service.
——> meeting before OSCARS 1st Annual General meeting in March (3-4) in Rome, to present the services?
The ESCAPE Data Lake is up and running.
Is it planned to have a more granular approach to give access to a file to only some selected users? ——> see OSCARS project “streamlining open data policies with RUCIO, presentation here:
Datalake via rucio accessible from the VRE jupyterhub , linked to the ESCAPE VRE Tools page, currently issues in upload and download of datasets.
Status of integration of RUCIO datalake in LAPP VRE. RUCIO integrated, but commonly issues at CERN.
Update from Marion and Frederic regarding testing for CTA: During the CERN workshop with CTA stakeholders on January 13 and 14, it was decided to integrate performance testing into the official CTA CI process in agreement with CTA.
FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: VRE: highly composible analysis platform linked to all services of ESCAPE, with the authentication at the top —> AAI currently service related, not at top.
Proposed the ESCAPE VRE to the ESCAPE projects funded by OSCARS, mixed feedback.
Work with CERN about the login and different access depending of the credentials.
Investigate the expectation of each ESCAPE partner of having its own VRE.
Ask update from Caterina Doglioni RE: VRE: ATLAS hired person to work on the VRE.
FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: Talk with Matthias and see if CTA would need its own VRE and how to deploy it. TO BE DONE
Status of LAPP VRE: 2 (MUST and EOSC , currently VRE like CERN, with RUCIO. Possibility of putting own environment, but have to ask Leo for integration. Only CPUs, no GPUs.
ACTION ITEM (future, Alberto): Elena Cuoco has enquired about setting a VRE at Bologna ET Integrated Facility
Find again the access to the ESAP resources. People not maintaining it.
The OSSR is operational.
Contact OSCARS project to advertise service.
Discussion with CSAN (A Comprehensive Software Archive Network) that want to provide a security solution for docker containers and is looking for a long-term storage. First meeting(s) to understand each other and see what can be done with OSSR. Still preliminary, to be continued.
First work with SOMEF to test records metadata in the OSSR - work done by Tom François for CODEMETASOFT project from OSCARS grant agreement
Work on Clusters’ Services and Data Sources Portfolio deliverable D2.1 document (due 31th January), internally reviewed by ESCAPE Executive Board.
Mentoring framework from OSPs D3.1 deliverable ——> ESCAPE involvement missing.
No specific update was discussed, work ongoing.
Leo showed how to access the LAPP VRE and run a jupyter notebook example.
Hana’s presentation on Stereograph, discuss possibility to integrate in LAPP VRE.