Presents: Stephanie Cyrille, Francesco, David, Paul, Yahya, Pascal (remote)
General news:
- We received back our 5 modules yesterday. Demasking will start today
Reception tests:
- Pascal + JP did all the flexes except visual inspection
- We should receive between 9 and 18 BM from Bonn "soon" for the Paris Cluster. We should split 1/3 - 2/3 between the two lines
- We should be able to try to glue everything in one week, to be planned according
- Commissioning of new tools. Ask Thibaud about the status
- V2 finished, all data post-wirebonding is collected but not in the PDB/LocalDB yet
- PDB/LocalDB same for 63
- New tool not yet there but should arrive before christmas
- Old tool, wire, screws ordered
- Joystick is showing the same issue after latest MB intervention. Not blocking but annoying.
- We should test the V2 done in priority
- PPP34 is weird, maybe VMUX of FE3 is gone? Also it is rotated in LocalDB and PDB and it wasn't like this in june ... super weird.
- PPP15 re-tested to be checked
- PPP61 is not good, it should go back to wirebonding for inspection
- Vacuum is installed on all 8 modules
- Dry system filters to be changed but it's at least 1 day work
- New box arrived
- We need to sum xray scans to achieve 50 hits
Wirebond protection:
- Understand what changed on PPP34
- Re-take the xray
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