28–29 oct. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Orsay, IJCLab - Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th
Object of the meeting: discuss future collaborations around wire chambers for FCC-ee 


Since the begining of DRD1 it appeared that working together with a common project around wire chambers for FCC-ee could be profitable for both institutions. Indeed, during several meeting and conferences, we acknowledged the fact that our research interests are very similar and without knowing it, we are working in very similar field. Our R&D efforts, for example were the same. We believe that we should not keep duplicating the work and would like to see how we can work together.
The aim of this meeting is too know each other better then define tasks, deliverables on which we can work together.  This could be the basis for foundings requirements where several possibilities exist.



Acces :

  • To find us, it is here: https://www.ganil-spiral2.eu/fr/contact/
  • L'accueil et la remise des badges seront possibles le jeudi à partir de 13h30 au poste de garde.
  • Pensez à venir un peu en avance pour tenir compte de ce temps de vérification et permettre de débuter les sessions aux horaires prévus

Organisation :

  • Aucune restauration n'est prévue sur place le jeudi 21 mars midi
  • Un diner est organisé le jeudi 21 mars au soir (coût pris en charge par l'organisation)
  • Une restauration est prévue le vendredi 22 mars midi
  • Pour ceux qui le souhaitent, des visites des installations du GANIL sont prévues le vendredi 22 mars après-midi. Attention ! Le nombre de places disponibles est limité.


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