Présidents de session
Plenary: General updates
- Cyrille Doux (LPSC)
Plenary: Invited talks
- Cyrille Doux (LPSC)
Plenary: General updates
- Cyrille Doux (LPSC)
Plenary: Invited/flash talks
- Cyrille Doux (LPSC)
Plenary: LSST quizz and ComCam bubbles
- Il n'a pas de président de session pour ce bloc
Plenary: Final remarks
- Il n'a pas de président de session pour ce bloc
The Simons Observatory (SO) is a new cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment, located on Cerro Toco in Chile, that began observing in 2024. SO plans to measure the temperature and polarization variations in the CMB across six frequency bands, spanning 27 to 280 GHz. The initial setup includes three small-aperture (0.5-meter) telescopes (SATs) and one large-aperture (6-meter) telescope...
The recent data from high redshift Universe demonstrates that our velocity with respect to distant sources, for example quasars and radio galaxies at redshifts of more than one,
is at least twice as large as our velocity with respect to the rest frame of cosmic microwave background (CMB). If the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales then the restframe of CMB is expected to...