Presents: Giovanni, Yahya, Cyrille, Jean-Pascal, Yann, Paul, Francesco, Marc, Thiziri
General news:
- Jean-Pascal is a new technician joining LPNHE and helping on ITk
- ITk Week news
- Delamination
Probe station:
- We managed to do new IVs
- Placing probes from zero ~45,
Metrology & gluing:
- PPP61
- Gluing was OK and result is very good
- We need to take new photos of the pads for the last flex to check the quality
- A lot of data missing from the PDB / LocalDB
- PPP38 done
- We received the two-red-chip test plate. Cyrille started testing on it
- Stability of pull-test is not fully coherent, we need to study
- We could ask Richard to have more test structures
- The aspriation plate flattening is stuck, we need more detailed fabrication information
- Alternative route: re-design it
- SQ is still pending
- We need to test the repaired HV card
- We need to check the IVs with power adapter cards
Outer barrel wirebond protection:
- Today we tested the new stencil for resistivity measurements
- New stencil alignment tools are maybe a bit too tight (?)
- We need to do an inventory of what we have left
- We could ask CEA because we used our strain relief in CERN testing of their tool
Parylene masking/demasking:
- We need to demask 15 and 16
- We need to count and then be ready to mask next batch of modules
- No news since last week
- On friday we'll receive the new dry air bottles
- The workshop in the lab is closed, we need to fabircate the box externally
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