20–22 nov. 2024
IPHC, Strasbourg
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


22 nov. 2024, 11:35
Amphi Grïnewald (IPHC, Strasbourg)

Amphi Grïnewald

IPHC, Strasbourg

Batiment 27, BP28, 67037 Cedex 2, 23 Rue du Loess, 67200 Strasbourg
Training, courses, tutorials, open datasets and challenges Friday morning


Valérie Gautard (CEA-Irfu)


Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field. These methods can assist in solving very challenging problems, thus providing significant time savings in finding solutions. The methods are diverse and evolve quickly, making it very beneficial to come together, share knowledge, train, and capitalize on our expertise. This is the purpose of the IntheArt group focused on AI methods. It consists of over a hundred researchers, ranging from experts to beginner users, who meet regularly to:
• Exchange ideas about AI: case studies and associated issues
• Train and learn from each other, for example, through specific training sessions
• Work on research topics
• Organize and participate in workshops
• Learn together about situations where machine learning can be useful, as well as where it has limitations, particularly regarding trust, interpretability, and explainability of responses or decisions.
This group and the associated research are what I will present to you.

Auteur principal

Documents de présentation