We present the preliminary analysis of an experiment performed at INFN LNL in November 2023 aimed at studying the two-octupole phonon collectivity in $^{96}$Zr. The goal of the experiment was to perform a $\gamma$-decay branching ratio measurement from the 6$^+$ to the 3$^-$ state, so as to extract the B(E3; $6^+ \rightarrow 3^-$) value. If large, this parameter would indicate for the $6^+$ level to be a member of the $3^-\otimes3^-$ multiplet. The $6^+$ state was populated via the $^{96}$Zr(p,p’)$^{96}$Zr proton inelastic scattering and the scattered protons were measured in the SAURON Double-Sided Silicon Strip detector. These were used to select the reaction channel of interest, in coincidence with the $\gamma$ rays in the AGATA array.