Séminaires du DPhP: Latest results and perspectives for Super-Kamiokande experiment

par Thomas Mueller (CNRS / IN2P3 / LLR)

CEA Paris-Saclay

CEA Paris-Saclay


This presentation will describe the latest neutrino physics results from Super-Kamiokande experiment as well as the joint fit with T2K. We will discuss the most recent results concerning solar, atmospheric and beam neutrino oscillations, with an emphasis on open questions such as the search for CP violation in the lepton sector and the mass hierarchy problem. We will also discuss the search for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB) with Super-Kamiokande, which has set the most stringent limits in recent years. Finally, we'll talk about the upgrade of the Super-Kamiokande detector with its Gadolinium doping, and the new physics perspectives it has shed the light on.

zoom connection: https://cern.zoom.us/j/68399739111?pwd=SGErcHBQYmVLWFZTVE9jdm5xSmdEdz09

Organisé par

François Brun, Matthias Saimpert