LiteBIRD will consist of 4700 multichroic TES detectors, observing in 15 frequency bands from 34 GHz to 448 GHz with resolutions ranging from 70’ to 10’ targeting the large scale millimeter sky. Its design includes three telescopes with polarization modulation in order to mitigate systematic effects. LiteBIRD will have the capacity to detect a signature of primordial gravitational waves with an amplitude relative to that of density perturbations as low as r = 0.001 when accounting for systematics, foreground residuals and noise. With a leading phase-A-level support from CNES, the French team has become a major player on the European and global project level.
In this context the LiteBIRD-France team would like to propose a day-long informational meeting about the project, its science objectives and the current status.
The meeting will take place in Paris at the APC Laboratory on May 13th. A remote connection will also be available. We invite all the members of the scientific community to attend however for the logistical reasons we ask that you register if you plan to participate either in person or remotely.
We hope to see many of you in May in Paris !
A remote connection will be accessible at this zoom link.
Recordings of the entire sessions are accessible at this link.