"Study of Fusion-Fission Dynamics for Heavy Nuclei" - Priya Sharma (Ganil)
Amphi. Grunewald (Bat. 24)
Amphi. Grunewald
Bat. 24
For a comprehensive understanding of the synthesis of heavy elements, numerous experiments have been conducted in the past. The results from these observations have pointed to the significant influence of nuclear Shell Structure, Target-Projectile mass asymmetry, projectile energy, and deformation in the formation of compound nuclei (CN). Consequently, there exists a compelling need to delve deeper into the understanding of these effects. Within the same realm of research, a high demand exists for neutron-induced fission cross-section data of actinides to understand the fission process. This data plays a pivotal role in model development and the creation of databases crucial for simulating nuclear reactors.
In this talk, first, I will briefly discuss the Evaporation Residue (ER) excitation function measurements conducted at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) using a Hybrid Recoil Mass Analyser (HYRA) facility for the 48Ti + 142,150Nd, 144Sm systems. Then, I will discuss the experiment performed at GANIL in a NFS (Neutron For Science) facility with one arm of FALSTAFF (Four Arm cLover for the Study of Actinide Fission Fragment) to study 235U(n,f) system. The main aim of the experiment was to measure the fission fragment mass distribution. A detailed analysis of fission fragment mass distribution will also be presented in this talk.