Rencontres Jeunes 2024

Amphithéâtre principal (La Doua)

Amphithéâtre principal

La Doua

Domaine de la Doua Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon 3 rue Enrico Fermi - 69100 Villeurbanne
Benjamin Blancon (IP2I), Camille Perret (ILM), Elsa Guy (IP2I), Florencia Juarez-Saborio (ILM/LHC), Grégoire Pierra (IP2I), Inès Bentara (IP2I), Maxime Fery (ILM), Maxime Le Jean (LMA), Wanda Isnard (IP2I)

Our 2nd annual meeting of young physicists to present your work in a safe, friendly and chill space! 

A conference for PhD students (& Post Docs) by PhD students! Our goal is to create a link between PhD students in different laboratories from Lyon and St. Etienne and for everyone to get a chance to present their work in a fun manner so that we learn more about the wide range of physics, as well as getting to know more physicists in your area. 

    • 08:30
    • Session 1
      Président de session: Maxime LE JEAN (LMA)
      • 1
        Introduction speech
        Orateur: Florencia Juarez-Saborio (ILM/LHC)
      • 2
        How to beat the 2nd law (at least 90% of the time)
        Orateur: Nicolas Barros (LPENSL)
      • 3
        Nanothermics: ultrafast heat exchange at solid and liquid interfaces
        Orateur: Margherita Vittucci (ILM)
      • 4
        Probing the Universe with galaxy clusters : the special case of exotic strong lensing
        Orateur: Quentin Basto (CRAL)
      • 5
        Active Spinning Matter
        Orateur: Romane Braun (LPENSL)
    • 10:35
      Coffee break
    • Session 2
      Président de session: Grégoire Pierra (IP2I)
      • 6
        Optical Amplifier for Space Application

        The aim of the thesis work is to investigate the behavior of rare-earth-based optical amplifiers in a harsh environment from the perspective of ionizing radiation, such as that which characterizes space applications. To achieve this, an experimental/simulative approach is used to gain a comprehensive understanding of photonic systems.

        Orateur: Alberto Facchini (UJM)
      • 7
        Exploring neutrino interactions with DUNE experiment
        Orateur: Ginevra De Lauretis (IP2I)
      • 8
        Box modelling of the Bistable Dynamics of Ocean Circulation under Antarctic Ice Shelves
        Orateur: Louis Saddier (LPENSL)
      • 9
        Slowing-down of the relaxation time during subcritical rupture in paper and filled elastomers
        Orateur: Chloé Braux (iLM)
    • 12:15
    • Fabien Vialla’s artistic debut
    • Session 3
      Président de session: Wanda Isnard (IP2I)
      • 10
        Active straining of Balkans : insights from spatial geodesy (InSAR, GNSS)
        Orateur: Aîmine Meridi (LGLTPE)
      • 11
        Observing Earth-like exoplanets with future giants telescopes
        Orateur: Valentin Fonteneau (CRAL)
      • 12
        Comment les virus entrent-ils dans le noyau de nos cellules ? Propriétés géométriques et mécaniques de l’interaction d’un virus avec un pore biologique
        Orateur: Kassandra Gérard (LPENSL)
      • 13
        Sheared and compressed granular media, an analogue experiment to study earthquakes dynamic
        Orateur: Eliot Saurety (ILM)
    • Coffee break
    • Session 4
      Président de session: Elsa Guy (IP2I)
      • 14
        Can anisotropic electrical conductivity lead to dynamo action in spiral-arm galaxies?
        Orateur: Paul Gomez (LGLTPE)
      • 15
        Design of a phantom for the development of a smart textile device for lymphedema monitoring
        Orateur: Anna Bublex (INL)
      • 16
        Online Radiation Induced Attenuation measurements of Radiophotoluminescence Dosimeters irradiated with X-rays: Dose rate dependence at high doses
        Orateur: Aditya Raj (LHC)
      • 17
        Physics searches at CMS

        By David Amram et al

        Orateurs: David Amram (IP2I), et al (IP2I)
    • Paul’s artistic/scientific quiz
    • 18:10
      Discussion and cocktail