26–27 févr. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Dear colleagues, welcome to the indico page of the IRENE kick-off meeting which will be held at Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille from Monday 26th of February at 14:00 to Tuesday 27th of February at 12:00 am.

The meeting will be held at CPPM in Luminy.

There is no Fees, all expense are covered by your mission !

For Monday night, we will book a restaurant at Vieux-Port.

For Tuesday lunch, we will book a restaurant close to luminy, "Les Terrasses du Phocéen". It's a French all you can eat buffet. 25€/person, drink not included.

If you want to participate, please check the corresponding case in the registration form.

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Finit le
163 Avenue de Luminy, 13009 Marseille
Aller à la carte
L'inscription à cet événement est actuellement ouverte.