26–29 mars 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Particles : Gotta Catch 'Em All

26 mars 2024, 15:50
Amphitheatre (IPGP)



1 rue Jussieu 75005 Paris


Camille Sironneau (APC lab)


Particle physics is usually a tough subject to breach when trying to communicate to a wide audience. Between preconceptions and the difficulty to represent clearly what's going on, you can easily get lost in a sea of information (and quarks). No fancy pictures here, we mostly have balls that aren't balls, that don't orbit around other balls that aren't balls and they have a spin but they don't actually spin. Oh also they can be a cat in a box. Got it ? Yeah, me neither.

Basically, talking about the infinitely small is somewhat of a challenge that we don't have to avoid by throwing the word quantum around (looking at you Ant-Man). And we also don't have to be so academic about it.

For a few years now, the CNRS (as well as other organisations) has been involved with Yggdrasil, a festival in Lyon mixing cosplay, steampunk, anime, mangas, medieval fantasy and science-fiction to propose a space dedicated to technology and sciences accessible to basically anyone.

This year, the IN2P3 went to spread the word about neutrinos and particles, often to people who never even heard the word neutrino before and who probably didn't come specifically for the science part of the festival.
This brings us to our main questions : why did we go, how did we think our stand, did it work and why am I going to talk to you about Pokemons ?

Auteur principal

Camille Sironneau (APC lab)

Documents de présentation