10–12 juin 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The DESC cluster weak lensing mass library v2.0

11 juin 2024, 14:45


172 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France


Dr Michel Aguena (APC)


Accurate cluster mass estimates are vital for constraining cosmology with galaxy cluster abundance, one of the primary cosmological probes on LSST. We present here the second version of the Cluster Mass Modeling (CLMM) library, developed for the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC), for calibrating cluster masses based on the weak lensing signal of background galaxies. This library is being developed by a large group of young career scientists with complete documentation and automatic testing, which makes the assumption of the computations transparent and the results reproducible. The new version of CLMM includes the functions for stacking clusters and more flexibility for different formats of photometric redshift inputs besides further implementations on the theoretical modeling and data operations.

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