Primitive asteroids are remnants of the early stage of the Solar System evolution and may have preserved the mineralogical and molecular phases formed during this period.
In 2020, the Hayabusa2 mission of JAXA brought back to Earth, samples from the C-type asteroid Ryugu, a primitive near-Earth object, collected at two different locations and depths. The samples are now preserved and...
Extrasolar comets – or exocomets – are icy bodies placed on elliptical orbits which sublimate when they reach their periastron, producing extensive clouds of dust and gas – the so-called ‘cometary tails’. The most famous star known to harbor such objects is Beta Pictoris, a young (20 Myr) A-type star, for which transiting comets are detected daily using absorption spectroscopy.
Ultra high energy (UHE) cosmic rays, with energies above $10^{17}$ eV, can provide us key information on the most extreme processes in the Universe. When reaching the Earth, UHE cosmic rays penetrate the atmosphere and interact with air molecules, inducing a cascade of secondary particles, a so-called extensive air shower (EAS). The electromagnetic part of this cascade is mainly responsible...
It is well established that the paradigm of cosmological inflation is the correct framework for understanding the physics of the very first moments of our universe. It states that the universe went through a short phase of accelerated expansion in which the microscopic quantum fluctuations of its matter content were stretched to macroscopic scales, becoming the seed for all the observed...
My PhD project aims at improving the modelling of the Cosmic Dawn (z~25 to 10) and the Epoch of Reionization (z~10 to 6), periods in the history of the Universe that corresponds to the birth of the very first galaxies, and at developing novel methods for extracting model parameters from current and future 21cm observations by e.g. NenuFAR/LOFAR/HERA/SKA. To do so, I present LoReLi, a public...
Examining the rotational dynamics of an object can offer clues about the nature and properties of its interior. Our knowledge of Venus' internal structure is currently limited, in particular for its core whose size still lacks meaningful constraints, and whose state (liquid or solid) is unknown.
The variations of orientation of a planet are usually modeled as a rotation about a spin axis,...