Galaxy clusters are a powerful cosmological probe: they track the most recent evolution of large scale structure and therefore are fundamental for testing the cosmological model in the recent Universe. To compare the observations of galaxy clusters with theoretical predictions and thus constrain the cosmological parameters of the underlying model, precise knowledge of cluster masses and redshifts is required. Scaling relations between the cluster masses and observables (like the richness in optical wavelength,
We provide a new scaling relation using a sample of clusters from the Planck Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich (ESZ) catalogue observed in X-rays by Chandra, and compare it to the results of the Planck collaboration from XMM-Newton observations of a subsample of the ESZ. We calibrate a mass bias for a subset of the Planck cosmological cluster sample using published weak-lensing data from the Canadian Cluster Cosmology Project and Multi Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey, for the new scaling relation as well as that from the Planck collaboration, using a novel method to account for selection effects. With these mass biases, we obtain
Astrophysics Field | Cosmology |