- Status
- OSSR: at the OSSR working group meeting it was decided to use RSD as a front-page to OSSR
- two projects based on communities; archiving and DOI minting not in Zenodo
- budget a little tighter for 2024
- todo: find a funding project
- Future Maintenance:
- RSD: joint projects (also Helmholtz), yearly budget
- OSSR: open collaboration with MoU
- Discussion:
- it would be preferred to work in poll mode;
- all entries from OSSR should go to RSD as well (there will be a change of the OSSR policy);
- Zenodo communities with more structure/possibilities -> RSD communities: maintainer accepts request; sync of maintainers
- for full zenodo communities could be without acceptance of maintainers
- as unique identifier, the DOI of the Zenodo base entry can be used;
- to generate a slug a metadata entry can be pre-filled, if the Zenodo ID will not be used;
- make slug a required metadata? -> add to OSSR metadata validator? RSD poll bot should fail and notify community maintainers
- after addition of a software to RSD, the software maintainer should receive a notification, so the RSD entry can be maintained
- authentication via ORCID
- codemeta information cannot be changed by maintainer on RSD
- old entries with duplicates/conflicts will have to be updated manually;
- when implementing communities, did you foresee to implement links between communities or a sub-community structure?
- organisation has a tree structure; with primary maintainer (to add level) - communities and sub-community would be possible, crosslinking of sub-communities would be more problematic
- synchronisation between RSD instances will be necessary
- Next steps:
- RSD starting on bot
- eOSSR library could be used to poll the OSSR Zenodo Community https://zenodo.org/records/10255619
- OSSR on policy
- Next meeting:
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