9–10 avr. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The Top LHC France workshop series aims to foster, at a national level, all research activities connected to the physics of the top quark. These meetings hence allow for theoretical and experimental high energy physicists working in France to informally discuss the recent LHC results. A particular emphasis is put on results that originate from the work performed in the French laboratories and new collaborations are also encouraged.

The first editions of the Top LHC France workshops were mostly oriented towards precision measurements in the top sector. With the LHC increase in energy and luminosity, the discussion started to focus, for the last couple of years, on processes and measurements where new physics could be hiding. The same considerations will drive the agenda of the future 2024 workshop. 

Although most participants are working in French laboratories, the workshop is open to international participants who have strong links with France.

2024 edition will be held at LPNHE Paris.

Commence le
Finit le
Amphi Charpak
LPNHE, campus Pierre et Marie Curie 4 place Jussieu 75005 PARIS FRANCE
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Comité scientifique :

  • Jérémy Andrea, IPHC Strasbourg
  • Stéphanie Beauceron, LPNHE Paris
  • Samuel Calvet, LPCA Clermont
  • Nicolas Chanon, IP2I Lyon
  • Frédéric Déliot, CEA Saclay
  • Frédéric Derue, LPNHE Paris (Chair)
  • Benjamin Fuks, LPTHE Paris

Organisation locale :

  • Stéphanie Beauceron, LPNHE Paris
  • Frédéric Derue, LPNHE Paris
  • Benjamin Fuks, LPTHE Paris