13–15 déc. 2023
Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

An introduction to MLOps

13 déc. 2023, 17:00
Amphithéâtre (Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3)


Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3

CC-IN2P3 / CNRS 21 Av. Pierre de Coubertin 69100 Villeurbanne N 45° 46.95 E 04°51.92


Alexandre Boucaud (APC / IN2P3)


Reproducibility is a very important topic in today's research world.
With the upcoming wealth of data and amount of code needed to process it, using an adequate set of tools is key to help you and your colleagues ensure the produced results will be reproducible, or at least keep track of how they were achieved. This is what MLOps intends to do.

In this presentation I will define what are MLOps and motivate the use of these tools in a daily context, both for machine learning and general research purposes.


Alexandre Boucaud (APC / IN2P3)

Documents de présentation