22–24 nov. 2023
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, 23 rue du Loess, 67037 Strasbourg
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Registration form

Information de contact
gregorio@in2p3.fr, ziad.elbitar@iphc.cnrs.fr

​Welcome to the FCC/DRD-France workshop on Higgs, Top, EW, HF and SM physics which will be held in Strasbourg, at IPHC, in person.
Lunches, coffee breaks, Welcome cocktail and a Banquet in the city are included in the registration fee and partly sponsored by IN2P3 and IPHC.​ The registration fee is 100 Euros, or 70 Euros for students.
If you can come only one day the fee is reduced to 70E.

Please, first register here below. Then proceed to the payment through the dedicated page accessible from the main page. The payment is done through Azur-Colloque, so there is first a pre-registration, and once this is approved you will be recontacted to pay either by credit card, or by payment directly from your Lab to IPHC.

Please note that CNRS agent should only pay by purchase order with the procedure described above.