Precise measurements of the CMB temperature fluctuations have highlighted the presence of unexpectedly strong anomalies on the largest scales. Among the possible explanations of these deviations, the role of the local large-scale structure (LSS), which contributes to the CMB signal via secondary anisotropies on these large scales, needs to be fully investigated.
In this talk, I will present our study of the thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ and kSZ) signal from the local LSS, based on the constrained hydrodynamical simulation SLOW (Simulating the Local Web) reproducing the local Universe up to 350 Mpc. I will characterise the tSZ and kSZ maps of the local universe and I will show their impact on the standard statistics used to describe the CMB large-scale anomalies, with comparisons to their values in the latest Planck data.