Kay and Christian have been contacted to know how OSSR can interact with PUNCH4NDFI
Christian will attend their monthly meeting
Technical Discussion
New Zenodo demo
Main changes
For more information about these changes, you can visit this link. Additionally, you can find more details about Zenodo and its services on their official website: Zenodo - Research. Shared.
Community presentation —> edited OSSR (escape2020)
Communities: Curators can edit metadata (if in several communities: can each community manager change metadata?)
metadata should be edited by curators only on request (add to policy)
Add community maintainers
Usage statistics: Unique/Total views
Records: Manage communities
Sharing: You can now share records for confidential peer review, enable access requests, or simply create a preview link for your colleagues.
Communities: Records are published after review
the curators can now edit metadata after accepting the record
Impact on the OSSR
Policy change concerning metadata edition
Do we have a way to contact all records owners?
email addresses in their zenodo profile?
email address in codemeta? (not always provided)
if we want to contact record maintainer, can we use the API to send a message in the review conversation to all records?
need two mailing lists:
OSSR developers / users
OSSR records maintainers
need to keep ossr_curation for automated checks
can the CI post on the zenodo review conversation? at least the link to the gitlab review
registration / contact point for onboarding?
entry could be Zenodo (request to be part of community)
HTTPError: 405 Client Error: METHOD NOT ALLOWED for url: https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/requests/fc73bccb-9557-4cd-8e33-dcb3ce3f2335/comments?access_token=...
Working code:
import requests
import json
# NOTE the `?expand=1` at the end
url = "https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/requests/fc73bccb-9557-46cd-8e33-dcb3ce3f2335/comments?expand=1"
token = TOKEN # Replace with your actual token
data = {
"content": "<p>Your message here</p>",
"format": "html"
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
Rename “Find Software” to “Goals” or similar, change “OSSR content” to “Find software”, add “Certification” and “Community building” and add text on respective goals
Contribute/Onboarding to the OSSR - update (todo: define documentation requirements)
Infrastructure/Development platform - remove
About/OSSR - add page with info about current organization and meetings
pull mode would be prefered (less work on the OSSR side)
ask RSD: add filters for sub-communities?
possible duplication of entries in RSD
RSD specific metadata
can record owners request access to rsd entry?
yes, as co-maintainer
bot can generate invite link and send it to record maintainer (need contact email ! - codemeta)
few duplicate entries to deal with manually
new entries to the OSSR:
get published in the Zenodo OSSR
get an (automated) invite link to maintain the RSD entry if they want to
is the url on rsd
can use zenodo record ID - which is unique but does not give a nice url
could guess from record title? - but not unique and a conflict is possible
can be part of the metadata from the start (in codemeta?) => of RSD url as related identifier
corner cases should be dealt with manually
conclusion: use zenodo record ID by default unless RSD URL as related identifier has been specified in the metadata. linking process.
=> talk with RSD to see if this can be implemented
analysis platfrom (costum for ESFRI in ESCAPE) vs. VRE (for researchers) -> options need to be open
CERN furthering development for VRE
how are the future of the ESCAPE components? in parallel to VRE - RIs need to take the lead for implementing for itself and contribute to building also for the community (aim of some central funding) -> question of integration both
converge into a working group -> long term vision
OSSR with a clear central role (for analysis platforms)
network to facilitate the onboarding of competences -> long-term activity outside project structure, open to all
competences not defined yet -> OSSR representative to be nominated to discuss and form the CCCs, all partners invited
distribute invitation and discussion via E-EB structure
support of software schools & open science camps
might be a place for the OSSR presentations
composable open data and analysis services (VRE)
cross-domain web-based scientific social network
sustainability and operation of services -> need support by EOSC?
cascading grants (100 - 250kEuro, 1-2 years, lump sum)
03/2024 + 60days submission + 60 days start (09-12/2024)
11/2024 + 60days submission + 60 days start (08-10/2025)
resources to be brought in by partners and applying parties
Openfurther sustainment options:
central entity (EOSC legal entity) - not most supported
core by central node - federated nodes with commitment via national funding
push OSSR for central node?
further open calls - push for de-central nodes: clusters, i.e. an ESCAPE European node with federated notes
influence on EC: high-level via clusters and lower level via e.g. EOSC Association working groups
Cummunity curation, software quality assessment and best practices
link to OSSR: software quality, recognition
vision: software publication with focus on quality
better match for competence centres for software
three levels: long-term vision of a software institute (federated, open to all), cluster software services, and platform for individual software quality assessment
remark: assess FAIRness and quality
link to OSSR:
tools to be applied to the OSSR onboarding (automatic assessment), OSSR could be an example project
big software project involment as soon as possible (through collection of practises (WP2), pilots (WP4) and workshops (WP5))
how to engage for ESFRI - feedback loops to be implemented
CT and MV very interested
Open points to discuss
What are the priorities for the future activities of OSSR (policy/strategy, onboarding or technical developments)?
Are there additional activities that you want to lead or want to see followed in the OSSR context (e.g. software optimisation)?
In which projects or activities related to the work of OSSR are you involved and how could those be harmonised? How could OSSR activities profit from those?
What are the incentives for your members to join OSSR and onboard software, how could those be strengthened?
Open Discussion
Priorites for future activities
CTA: Onboardings etc. will be done, involvement in exchange
JIVE: Different setup of community, contributions of software difficult, help in development of strategy, recognition mechanisms etc.
Working towards IRFs, connection to other ESFRIs
KM3NeT: Involvement in organization, workshops, education, focus also on analysis environment integration
training / workshops events
communication !
role of the OSSR in communities, ESFRIs and EOSC?
Project officer could help distributing material
Community development & education
exchange between developers
possible: focused workshops, data schools (data management, pipelines, how ESFRIs are developing their software)
building trust in the underlying software / data products that are run by ESFRIs and not by end-users
Quality management & requirements
set clear criteria, certify -> EVERSE
levels of certification
Kay: SciCode representative, outcome of self-assessment: 2 of 4 -> improve
Priorities for OSCARS & EVERSE
integration of OSSR in analysis platforms
service to install in any platform
provide environments ready to deploy
linking software and the type of data they can ingest