- Introduction to OSSR
- Metadata Crosswalk
- CodeMeta -> Zenodo metadata
- CodeMeta -> RSD metadata: some mismatches
- DataCite and Zenodo are read - but not a mirror, software page manually set up
- working on CodeMeta crosswalk
- main one: description field format (HTML, Markdown)
- representing organisations, projects
- extend codemeta
- priority: codemeta, cff, zenodo
- import / export
- Link OSSR and RSD
- options:
- read OSSR meta and upload to RSD via API
- link RSD to Zenodo Community - pull download metadata and display on RSD
- don't duplicate all software packages
- both necessary to support all use cases
- which RSD to work on?
- own hosted or central one
- extend RSD to communities - in parallel to RSD projects and organisations
- Who owns entries at RSDs?
- Maintainers - one per project and in addition community maintainers?
- Login via ORCID - must have logged in once
- OSSR should own the RSD entries
- codemeta.json is the source of truth for record metadata
- OSSR can add some non-essential metadata to RSD page such as onboarding information
- Preparing a CodeMeta to RSD crosswalk for a follow up
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