At the end of their data taking, experiments in HEP enter a period of data analysis that can be prolonged and made more effective if dedicated data preservation projects are designed and executed. Those projects enable in fact a cost-effective way of doing fundamental research by exploiting unique data sets in the light of the continuously increasing theoretical understanding. This talk...
I present a new methodology that can simultaneously fit the Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the proton alongside other parameters that determine the theory predictions. The framework is particularly suited for the study of joint PDF-SMEFT interpretations, where the effects of heavy new physics (NP) are encoded in higher-dimensional operators which alter the interactions among SM...
Given the recent success of diffusion models in image generation, we study their applicability to generating LHC phase space distributions. For that purpose two specific models are chosen, which differ in their concrete diffusion architecture, a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) and a model based on Conditional Flow Matching (CFM). We find that both achieve state-of-the-art...
Generative networks are promising tools in fast event generation for the LHC, yet struggle to meet the required precision when scaling up to large multiplicities. We employ the flexibility of autoregressive transformers to tackle this challenge, focusing on Z and top quark pair production with additional jets. We demonstrate the use of classifiers in combination with the autoregressive...
The matrix element method remains a crucial tool for LHC inference in scenarios with limited event data. We enhance our neural network-based framework, now dubbed MEMENNTO, by optimizing phase-space integration techniques and introducing an acceptance function. Additionally, employing new architectures, like transformer and diffusion models, allows us to better handle complex jet combinatorics...
To make proper use of the vast amount of data produced at the LHC, the presentation and publication of experimental results is vital. For many years it has been advocated to provide the full likelihood, to allow for the proper interpretation of these measurements. Following this, the ATLAS Top working group now provides several likelihoods for measurements in the Top sector. This talk will...
Rare decays like $B^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$, searched for by the Belle II collaboration, are important in particle physics research as they offer a window into physics beyond the Standard Model. However, the experimental challenges induced by the two final state neutrinos require assumptions on the kinematic distribution of this decay. Consequently, the results feature a model dependency...