Revisiting effective field theories (Quentin Bonnefoy)
Quentin BONNEFOY(CPHT Polytechnique), Quentin Bonnefoy
Amphi Grunewald (Bat 25)
Amphi Grunewald
Bat 25
Effective field theories (EFTs), namely theories of a given set of degrees of freedom valid below some energy scale, are a very useful and systematic tool. They can be used in diverse setups, from the largest to the smallest scales, from the highest to the lowest energies. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress in our understanding of EFTs, with a focus on two aspects related to high-energy phenomena. First, only a subset of the possible EFTs actually describe more fundamental dynamics: the others simply do not emerge as the low-energy approximation of any physics at shorter scales. I will briefly illustrate that at the level of theories with non-linearly realized supersymmetry. Second, there exist correspondances between seemingly different theories, such as those of scalars and gluons. In that context, I will present an intriguing map between the dynamics of gluon EFTs and those of renormalizable scalar theories.