Dark energy-related topics are essential research axes in INSU, IN2P3, INP and IRFU. The French community who is working on these topics is involved in different experiments: ground-based telescopes with DESI and LSST and a space mission with Euclid.
The national Action Dark Energy, in coordination with GDR CoPhy, is organising a 2-day workshop in Paris on three hands-on session:
- Practical use of CLASS (N. Schöneberg)
- Tutorial on MontePython (N. Schöneberg)
- Tutorial on generating your initial conditions and running a simple N-body simulation (C. Stahl)
The presentations will have a first block dedicated to remind the audience of the concepts involved, the physics / equations, before going into the practical use of the tools in the last two blocks.
NEWS! Check the recordings to the tutorials on https://univers.iap.fr/gdr_tools/index.php?p=meetings#spring_2023.
L'action Dark Energy est soutenue par :