In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using the state-of-the-art Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) provides unprecedented quality in Doppler correction for high-velocity recoil nuclei studies. The Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) algorithm, crucial to AGATA's analysis, processes gamma-ray interaction signals by comparing them to a database of simulated signals. To improve PSA capabilities, experimental...
Understanding dense matter presents a big challenge at the actual time. On one hand, QCD, the fun-
damental interaction of nuclear matter is known to be non-perturbative at such low energy regimes,
and on the other hand relying on numerical approaches to solve QCD, also known as lattice QCD,
is blocked by what is known as the “sign problem”.
Thus effective nuclear modeling may be employed...
The Standard Model (SM) is unable to explain the predominance of matter over antimatter in our present universe. Matter and antimatter are linked by a CP-symmetry transformation, and current explanations involve a new source of CP symmetry breaking. An effective field theory (EFT) will be used to describe CP-symmetry violation, which will be searched for by analyzing the production and decay...