In recent years, the remarkable sparing of normal tissue obtained after irradiation at very high dose rate (VHDR), the so-called FLASH effect, has shown a significant breakthrough in cancer treatments. Some preclinical beams are now being configured to be able to deliver ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) relevant for FLASH therapy.
Nevertheless, the gains in biological efficiency of this new irradiation
technique still require more investigations. The ARRONAX cyclotron facility can provide a homogeneous circular 68 MeV proton beams of 1.5 cm in diameter, from low (0.2 Gy/s) to UHDR reaching 9 kGy/s. In this seminar, joint studies in dosimetry, physico-chemistry, biology and simulations performed by collaborators (ICO Nantes, Subatech and LPC) of the FLASHMOD project will be presented to assess the fundamental mechanisms explaining the differential effect of FLASH irradiations.