Nous vous proposons une série de 3 ateliers techniques les:
- mardi 04 avril: Atelier Machine Learning avec Pytorch
- mardi 09 mai: Atelier Conteneurs avec Docker
git repository:
mardi 23 maipostponed: Atelier Conteneurs avec Singularity/Apptainer
Informations pratiques
Les séminaire auront lieu dans l'amphithéâtre Charpak.
D'autres informations auront lieu prochainement
Materials for download :
Abstract : During this session, we will code a basic neural network to understand the main underlying concepts, like the gradient descent and loss function. In the second part of the session, we will use the Pytorch library to build, train and test a neural network.
To training session will combine a presentation session and and a coding session on Google Colab, therefore an active gmail account with active drive is mandatory to attend.
All the materials for the training session will be available to download on the 3rd of April.