May 31, 2023 to June 2, 2023
Bâtiment 774
Europe/Paris timezone
The conference will be recorded for IPhT Youtube Channel & can be followed by Zoom

Bernard DERRIDA - At the transition between pulled and pushed fronts

May 31, 2023, 12:15 PM
Amphithéâtre Bloch (Bâtiment 774)

Amphithéâtre Bloch

Bâtiment 774

CEA, Orme des Merisiers Bat 774, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette


Bernard DERRIDA (Collége de France)


The shift of the position of a front found by Bramson in the case of the Fisher-KPP equation is modified at the transition between pulled and pushed fronts. Based on an exactly solvable case, one can predict the cross-over function which determines this shift near this transition. The correction due to a cut-off is also modified at this transition. This raises the question of whether the cut-off approximation still describes accurately the effect of a weak noise of the stochastic PDE.

B Derrida J. Stat. Phys. 2023

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