AHEAD 2020 workshop: CBC searches R&D with MBTA

3rd floor "Croix Rousse" meeting room (IP2I)

3rd floor "Croix Rousse" meeting room



The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the developments of the CBC searches for the upcoming O4 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA run. It will focus on online searches for multi-messenger astronomy with the MBTA pipeline


Zoom Meeting :


This workshop is sponsored by the E.U. program AHEAD2020 (Grant Agreement number: 871158)

Registration form
  • Amazigh Ouzriat
  • Antoine Syx
  • Benoit Mours
  • Christopher Alléné
  • Damir Buskulic
  • Dimitri Estevez
  • Florian Aubin
  • Francesco Di Renzo
  • Frédérique MARION
  • Gianluca M Guidi
  • Lorenzo Mobilia
  • Maria Assiduo
  • Morgan Lethuillier
  • Thomas Sainrat
  • Vincent Juste
  • Viola Sordini
  • +1
    • Short-term issues
      • 1
        Early-Warning Template Banks (with verification)
        Orateur: Christopher Allen
      • 2
        Single detector triggers update
        Orateur: Vincent Juste
      • 10:50
        Coffe break
      • 3
        Orateur: Dimitri Estevez
      • 13:00
      • 4
        Online status: storage and to do list for O4 start
        Orateur: Benoit Mours (IPHC Strasbourg)
    • Longer-term issues
      • 5
        Making banks more "uniform"
        Orateur: Florian Aubin
      • 6
        Study of SNR distribution in VT banks
        Orateur: Lorenzo Mobilia