20–23 mars 2023
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

A novel method to combine clustering and lensing analyses for spectroscopic and photometric samples

21 mars 2023, 15:30
salle des séminaires (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)

salle des séminaires

Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

98 bis boulevard Arago 75014 Paris France


Stefano Camera (U. Turin)


I present a new technique for the measurement of the growth of cosmic structures via the power spectrum of weak lensing cosmic shear, which can be straightforwardly combined to classic bias and growth measurements from clustering. It is based on a template-fitting approach, where a redshift-dependent amplitude of lensing modulates a fixed template power spectrum. To allow for tracking the redshift evolution of the signal, the method makes use of the Bernardeay-Nishimishi-Taruya transform, which allows for a localisation of the lensing kernel. I show that this method is able to correctly reconstruct Ωσ8 at the percent level across redshift, thus allowing us to measure the growth of structures unbiased by observing discrete tracers. Moreover, I only make use of mea- surements on linear scales. I also demonstrate that the method is robust against an incorrect choice of cosmological parameters in the template, thanks to the inclusion of an Alcock-Paczyński parameter.

Auteur principal

Stefano Camera (U. Turin)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.