
Lessons on Group Theory for Particle Physicists

par Paul SORBA (LAPTh)

Petit Amphi (Site d'ANNECY (9, chemin de Bellevue) )

Petit Amphi

Site d'ANNECY (9, chemin de Bellevue)


Pré-requis : basis in mathematics and physics master level 

Programme : 

The aim of this series of lessons is to provide a basic knowledge on symmetries for particle physicists.  

A tentative plan includes:  

-         Elements of group theory

-         Lie groups and Lie algebras

-         Classification of semi-simple Lie algebras

-         Representations of simple lie algebras.

The main applications will mainly deal with Gauge Theory (Standard Model and GUTs) and Spectroscopy of Elementary Particles.

If time allows, some aspects of crystallographic groups (sometimes used today in neutrino physics models) as well as of infinite dimensional groups (for conformal field theory or string theory) will be mentioned.


Mots-clés : Lie Groups, Lie algebras, Representations, Gauge theory, Spectroscopy of elementary particles