The International Research Network on Quantum Fields and Strings invites applications for short scientific visits (up to 1 week), to the following nodes, who have agreed to earmark some resources for this purpose:
- France: APC Paris, CPHT Palaiseau, ENS Lyon, FDP Tours, IPHT Saclay, IHES/LAG Bures, LAPTh Annecy, LPENS Paris, LPTHE Paris, L2C Montpellier
- Italy: Genova, Padova, SISSA, Torino (INFN)
- UK: City College, Durham, Imperial College, Queen Mary
- Germany: Albert Einstein Institute, DESY, Humboldt University
- Sweden: Nordita,
- Belgium: KU Leuven, University of Mons
- Mani Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCLA
- Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook
- India: ICTS Bangalore, HRI Allahabad
- South Korea: Korean Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul
- Brazil: ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo
- Weizmann Institute for Science, Rehovot
This call is open to junior researchers (advanced PhD students and postdocs), and covers visits taking place between March 1st and Dec 20, 2023. The application deadline is January 22, 2023. Applications will then be forwarded to the contact scientist for the corresponding node. After consulting with the host scientist and other colleagues, the contact scientist will be solely responsible for granting or rejecting the request and disbursing fund. Approved visits will be notified by the host by Feb 20, 2023.