4–5 janv. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Despite its importance for the faithful transmission of genetic and epigenetic information, the mitotic chromosome has received much less attention than the interphase chromosome, especially at the level of computer modeling. Recent advances in experimental techniques coupled with fruitful collaborations with theorists have begun to revive the field. However, how interphase chromosomes undergo structural and functional changes (or not) at all scales (mitosis entry) and how they reorganize into the functional interphase chromosomes at mitosis exit, remains to be thoroughly studied with contributions from a broad spectrum of soft-condensed matter physics, such as polymer/polyelectrolyte physics, sol-gel phase transition, surfactant self-assembly, active matter, rod elasticity, etc...

This Mitotic Chromosome Workshop aims to stimulate future experimental and theoretical research and collaborations in this area by bringing together experimentalists and theoreticians. The oral presentations will review the current knowledge and outline the various obstacles to be overcomed in the future. We hope that this will fuel open and insightful discussions and open new perspectives on interdisciplinary research in this area.

The workshop will be held at ENS Lyon, January 4-5.

The main speakers are Bill Earnshaw, Mounia Laghia, Leonid Mirny, Kirill Polovnikov, Jean-Marc Victor and Pascal Bernard.

Registration is free and open, but mandatory: a website will be open soon. Those wishing to present a short oral presentation or a poster will be invited to indicate it on the site. If needed, a selection will then be made by the organizing team.

Organizing team:

Pascal Bernard:        pascal.bernard@ens-lyon.fr
Cédric Vaillant:         cedric.vaillant@ens-lyon.fr
Emmanuelle Fabre:  emmanuelle-g.fabre@inserm.fr
Jean-Marc Victor:     jean-marc.victor@sorbonne-universite.fr


Site de la rencontre : http://indico.in2p3.fr/e/gdradn&g2022

Site du GDR ADN&G : http://adn-g.fr


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