Physique Nucléaire

"Universal few-body clusters of heavy and light particles" P. Naidon (RIKEN)

Salle Pistache (Batiment 27)

Salle Pistache

Batiment 27


Mixtures of attractive heavy and light particles are particularly interesting because the light particles behave as a glue binding the heavy particles and leading to heavy-light particle clusters. Close to an s-wave resonance between the light and heavy particles, the clusters can become halo states with universal properties. A famous example is the Efimov states of two heavy particles and one light particle [1]. Another possibility is the universal halo states of two heavy polarised fermions and a light particle predicted by Kartavtsev and Malykh [2].

In this talk, I will discuss the properties of such universal clusters and how they are affected by the presence of interaction in the p-wave channel [3].


[1] P. N. and S. Endo, “Efimov physics: a review.” Rep. Prog. Phys. 80 056001 (2017).

[2] O. I. Kartavtsev and A. V. Malykh, “Low-energy three-body dynamics in binary quantum gases.” J. Phys B 40, 1429 (2007).

[3] P. N., L. Pricoupenko, C. Schmickler “Shallow Trimers of Two Identical Fermions and One Particle in Resonant Regimes” SciPost Phys. 12, 185 (2022).